Kamis, 25 Oktober 2007

story from GRIPS

this writing come from mailis double degree student brawijaya university-japan 2007.
i hope this is useful for whoever will study at GRIPS japan....good luck!!

Dear all...
As you've known there are 4 students from Unibraw join in GRIPS
(Should I mention their name? Arif, Any, Joe and me )..
Including us there are 22 Indonesian students (from UI, ITB, UGM and UB).

Having arrived at Narita on October 1, 2007 we were taken to the dormitory..
actually we will be in one dorm (Rikko Kaikan), but coz there's sth so there are
5 females go to Warabi female dorm (this 5 is Any and me and 3 from UGM).
Abt dormitory in Warabi we feel comfort deh coz each of us have bedroom lengkap,
common kitchen, common toire and common bathroom (shower and ofuro/bathup).

Abt transportation:
From warabi to GRIPS campus it takes abt one and half hour..it consists of aruite (jalan kaki
abt 15 min to Warabi station, from this station we take JR abt 30 min to Nishi Nippori st, then
change to Subway to Nogizaka st takes abt 30min too...From Nogizaka st aruite again
abt 10 min...arrive at GRIPS campus deh...(d kawasn Roppongi yg metropolis bgt, Tokyo gtu loh)

Abt Campus:
The first time we came to GRIPS..wow futuristic campus de...sampe rasanya krg PD liat
tu kampus yg kayak mall (bayangpun berbelas2 lantai pake lift sgala), hehe ndeso bgt de...
GRIPS khusus bwt graduate students..so campus seluas and segede gajah itu cm ad 200an students de
(data lengkap mahasiswa apalagi yg ehm...tanya mb ani,..ya kan mbaaak, hehe....)
Mahasiswa tentu saja skrg plg byk dr Ina, trus ad jg malaysia, singapura, thailand, Philipina, Australia,
Jepun itself, negara2 Africa, negara2 eropa timur...dan skali lg data lengkap hubungi mb ani,hihi...
D kampus qta msg2 punya study room and dpinjemi laptop slama setaon! so kmrn sblm qta beli laptop
sendiri qta bs manfaatin tu laptop bwt dbawa k asrama (scara laptop dinas...).Dalam satu study room
ad sktr 30 desk, msg2 dlengkapi fasilitas meja (tentunya), laptop,akses internet (ini neh yg suka menggoda
bwt chat, ya ga mbak Lintang...hehe)
Fasilitas perpus jg top bgt...ohya sjk kul dsini kmi jd bs fotocopy sendiri loh coz qta ad jatah fc and print
d kampus...
Tentang dosen pun asik (trasa bgt kul d LN kayak yg suka dliat d pelem2), and profesor2 tsb very helpful...
alhamdullilah...mulai berkurang ketidakpedean kmi msuk GRIPS...(pengakuan jujur...) apalagi pembimbingnya
mb ani tuh...guanteng kyk pendekar silat plus kipas-nya, hihi..

That's all my story abt GRIPS at a glance...moga bermanfaat bwt calon2 pengikut GRIPS next year...
Prepare yourself and enjoy this new experience next year....
Meminjam kalimat p'Harry Rits...pas BJLT resapilah kursus jepunnya yaw coz bermanfaat bgt bwt
keseharian dsini...(cukup oncret tuh yg jd ikon minggat kursus, ups...)
atu lagee...ga ad cerita living cost telat dsini...

Ganbatte ne...

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